体检 偷拍 船舶驾驶常用英语白话(连载:二)

发布日期:2024-09-08 17:40    点击次数:160

体检 偷拍 船舶驾驶常用英语白话(连载:二)


图片体检 偷拍

21.Vessel on opposite course passing your starboard side对驶船正从你船右舷驶过。22.M/V Tian Jang10cables ahead of you on your port bow“天江”船在你左舷船头10链。23.M/V Tian He2kilometres ahead of you on your starboard“河汉”船在你船右舷船头2公里。24M/V Tian huai ahead of you on opposite course“天淮”船与你船对遇。25M/V Tian Shan following you will overtake you on your portside“天山”船跟班你船并将从你船左舷追越26M/V Tian Hua following you will overtake you on your starboard side“天华 船跟班你船并将从你船右舷追越27Vessel anchored ahead of you in position4645N,00634w有船在你船前线46°45N,006°34W处抛锚。28.You will meet crossing traffic in position32024N,15506E你船将在32924N,155906E处遇横向交叉船。We are in close-quarters situation咱们两船正处于挫折地方


29Vessel ahead of you obstructing your moveme你前边的船拦阻了你船的飘舞。30Vessel entering fairway at buoy No.2船在航说念2号浮处投入航说念。31.Vessel leaving fairway at buoy no6船在6号浮处离开航说念。32.Buoy No.3distance500metres ahead3号号浮在前线500米33.Vessel ahead of you turning在你船前线的船正在转向。Vessel astern of you anchoring在你船后头的船正在抛锚。Vessel port of you increasing speed在你船左舷处的船正在加快Vessel starboard of you decreasing speed在你船右舷处的船正在延缓Vessel ahead of you not under command你船前线的船失控。Vessel astern of you overtaking you你船后头的船正在追越你船。Vessel ahead of you not comply with Tss在你船前线的船违抗了分说念通航制。I am stand-on vessel我船是直航船。


34.Traffic clearance required before entering the fairway在投入航说念前必须等航说念让清。35.Do not enter traffic lane不要投入航说念36.Proceed to emergency anchorage驶向救急锚地。37.Vessels are advised to keep clear of fishing area船舶被示知隔离渔区38.Vessels are advised to avoid collision in narrow waters船舶被示知在狭水说念内避碰。39.You may enter traffic lane你船不错投入航说念Traffic clearance granted航说念已让清。


幼女调教40.You may enter traffic lane in position33°40’N,006°18’E at0900UTC你船可在勾通出界的0900时在33°40’N 006°18’E投入航说念。You may enter traffic route in position30°11's,101°35’E你船不错在30°11’S,101°35’E处进航说念。未完~~待续~~✍️ 本站仅提供存储奇迹,统共本体均由用户发布,如发现存害或侵权本体,请点击举报。


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